Maureen Pisani has been practicing Hypnotherapy for 16 years, and in her latest book, “Why It Works,” she explores the framework of her practice and how she has so many clients singing her praises. Her methods are full of love, wisdom, and compassion, and her authentic approach to helping people reach their best life and fullest potential jumps out on every page. “Why It Works” is a candid and comprehensive study that could be used either as a textbook for Hypnotherapists, or as a general guide for the layperson who wants to understand more about themselves or their loved ones. You will find that as you read, you probably know someone who exhibits many of the personality traits she discusses. You might even want to consider hypnotherapy yourself, so that you too can live life with a full “reservoir of resilience” and a peaceful spirit. Maureen’s dedication to her clients is genuine, and her results speak for themselves.
In her latest best-seller, Maureen shares more candid stories from her past and how initially, hurtful words and situations left her questioning herself. It wasn’t until she changed her own thought process that she was able to overcome her own limiting beliefs to push herself towards the success she enjoys today.
Maureen then highlights her perspective in life and what benefits you will receive when you take on this new way of thinking where you learn from and truly appreciate your life. She also discusses how the foundational levels of a strong self-identity can transform how we live day to day.
A note from Maureen:
As a hypnotherapist, I understand that we are all constantly morphing blend of mind, body and spirit. With this in mind, I created The Pisani Method, which is a unique formulation of combined therapies (including, but not limited to) Hypnosis, EFT Tapping, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Therapeutic Guided Imagery and Reiki. My multi-directional approach simultaneously tackles as many aspects of this combination as possible to bring my clients solutions and tools to overcome the things that hold them back in life. I guide people through the process of identifying, releasing and reprogramming their minds to eliminate bad habits, encourage positive growth and institute new, positive changes in their lives with immediate results.
The Pisani Method will help you sort through past pain and help you release it while finding your own strength and resilience in life, love and your career. In many cases, The Pisani Method will use a combination of 30 minute hypnotherapy sessions with EFT tapping exercises to boost results. While hypnotherapy and EFT tapping exercises can be used alone, there is a dramatic difference when used together. My goal is to dispel common myths about Hypnotherapy and encourage people to try these relatively effortless options for optimal health and wellness.
Maureen takes the taboo subject of death and makes it relatable in her latest book, Dare To Ask. She weaves her Catholic upbringing into the fabric of the world’s traditions and beliefs regarding death, and invites people to get curious enough to take a deeper dive into what they truly know and believe about the transition process. Throughout her years of practice as a therapist, she has come across difficult situations that made her dig deep to find answers that made sense to both her brain and her soul. She now asks the reader these questions in order to open their minds to contemplate other possibilities surrounding death, and offers schools of thought that can help ease grief. You will come away from this book feeling better about the subject no one wants to discuss.
Get to know Maureen Pisani in a very personal way. She takes readers on a trip down memory lane where they can see the woman behind the public persona and share in the controversy and triumphs that helped shape the woman we know and love today. As she shares her past and present, readers find themselves rooting for her throughout the story, but are often surprised to find that in the end, they are rooting for themselves as well! Her ability to excite and motivate is truly magnificent!Endearing, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and incredibly motivating! She takes you through how she went from Invisible to Invincible!
This is a combination of Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.) Tapping cycles that help you initially appreciate where you are currently, then tackles behaviors and thinking patterns that have hindered you in the past. After the disposing of those blocks, then new positive, effective, & efficient positive methods of being proactive are incorporated. The program also restrengthens the positive attributes you already possess. This re-organization will help you approach this new year with boundless motivation! At the end of the EFT Tapping rounds, there’s a Hypnotic MP3 that upgrades your unconscious patterns to align with these desired goals. Combining these modalities creates an incredibly efficient strategy for you to launch the New Year in the best way possible!
This is a combination of Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T.) Tapping cycles and a hypnotic MP3 that help you initially accept the current situation you’re dealing with and then walk you through restrengthening the positive attributes you already possess to help you relaunch.
At the end of the EFT Tapping rounds, there’s a Hypnotic MP3 that upgrades your unconscious patterns to align with your desired goals. Combining these modalities creates an incredibly efficient strategy for you to minimize the stress, enhance your mental stamina and assist you in overcoming each and every crisis you face.
A unique combination of Hypnotherapy and EFT sequences to help you let go of the past and move forward without the excess baggage.This multi-directional approach simultaneously tackles several aspects of the mind, body and spirit connection to help you transform and overcome the pain from your past. Step One of this program will sort out the trauma so that the resultant emotional impact is significantly reduced. In Step Two, we move on to reevaluating yourself through self-forgiveness, self-appreciation and ultimately self-acceptance to allow the emotional healing to take place. In Step Three, you will feel undeniably better and begin acknowledging how powerful, strong and unstoppable you truly are. The entire process is relatively effortless, but you will definitely be positively affected in ways you didn’t think were possible. This e-book can be used on its own for EFT tapping, but will be most effective when combined with the Resilience Hypnotherapy mp3 Series.
‘Getting away with It’ is a fictional romance that takes the reader through an overwhelming love story. Genevieve, a beautiful woman looking for “Mr. Right”; falls in love with Marcus who is truly everything she’s ever dreamed of….. and then some. As this wild romance develops, Genevieve uncovers layers of this man that make him simply unique! He is all she’s ever wanted….until she discovers something that changes everything. After spending hours thinking of how to deal with this, she does the unthinkable! Afterwards, facing all sorts of consequences….all she can think of is… will she get away with it?
Reading this book takes the reader through the roller coaster ups and downs Genevieve experiences. The reader cheers and cries with the heroine.