
How Students Can Use Hypnotherapy To Their Benefit While In School

stressed out student

Do you remember what it was like when you first broke out on your own? All the things you got wrong, all the lessons that had to be learned the hard way because you were young, confident, and totally unprepared for what it was like to be in charge of yourself?

As our kids begin to leave the nest and travel out to universities, there’s a lot of life lessons to learn, especially about coping with adult responsibility. And although we can’t always help them avoid these lessons altogether, we can help them get through their issues, once they recognize they have the need for help.

PRO Thrive’s The Pisani Method can do much to help with many of the factors that affect students in their first years away from home. Equally, some of these things are already experienced by kids still living at home with mom and dad:

  • Relationships – the years 16-21 are formative years for developing who we are as adults, and one of the hardest things we have to deal with is coming to good terms with the other people we will encounter. It’s a time of sexual awakening and a time of living without supervision for the first time. Conflicts, both in love relationships and interpersonal relationships, can be difficult to navigate.
  • Self Identity – as we begin to question the things we were taught as kids, we may have trouble grounding ourselves in our identity. Not everyone can challenge long-held beliefs without taking on someone else’s, someone charismatic. It’s important to retain distance from these influences as we reconceive our core identity. Cults use these challenges to get smart people to then accept dumb, unfair ideas by first breaking down the mythology they were taught in early life to keep them safe.
  • The Fresher 15 – weight gain in new students usually comes from a student self-governing their food intake for the first time with no real idea of how to do that. Simplicity often forces a student to eat meals out of a vending machine. Excessive junk food consumption can lead to what they call “The Fresher 15”– the 15 pounds of fat a new student gains when they drastically change their personal eating habits. Hypnotherapy can help control the gnawing need for comfort foods.
  • Sleep Issues – living in a new space, away from family, around others, can make sleep a difficult proposition. Often, improvements to a bed can help. But when things can’t be altered, you can alter your own perceptions with hypnotherapy to help eliminate the anxieties that turn noises and shadows into boogeyman.
  • Smoking – a flirtation with cigarettes as a teen is normal, but if it becomes an addiction, it can create many problems. Damage to a dorm room, damage to your student’s lungs, and food money spent on pack after pack of cigarettes… it’s a significant issue that hypnotherapy can address.
  • Motivation – overcoming procrastination on papers, projects and a student workload can be very hard. Summoning the energy to handle the challenges can be daunting. Hypnotherapy can help reorganize the way you react to mounting problems.
  • Test Anxiety – when so much is on the line, tests can strip a student of their confidence. With the right tools, you can lower the stress, and get in the right mindset for a test.
  • Fears/Phobias – perhaps your student is in a city with a greater spider population, or has to spend time in tight, enclosed spaces and feels claustrophobic? Hypnotherapy can help you relax and let go of your fears.
  • Stress Management – all of the sudden responsibilities of being an adult, paired with the temptations of developing a new friend group, can put enormous pressure on your student. Hypnotherapy can help them balance their lives a little better.
  • Overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (All versions of PTSD) – it’s hard to hear this, but so many of our kids deal with PTSD in their lives. This can stem from school shooter drills, to real-life events such as date rape or being badly bullied. While PTSD needs more than just hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy can help reduce the PTSD and make life a little easier.

If you have questions about how Hypnotherapy can assist you with specific goals, please contact me for a consultation. Science-Based Hypnotherapy (SBH) is what we specialize in here at PROThrive, and we have a growing community of clients who are breaking past their own self-limiting beliefs to live the lives they’ve always dreamed of living. Are you wondering how Hypnotherapy can help? Contact me at to find out.

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