
The Power of Forgiveness through Hypnotherapy

let it go

Forgive and Forge On

April is the month of Easter, Passover, and Ramadan. In that spirit, we want to examine our internal spirit, the one that guides us, the one that either pushes us forward or holds us back. Specifically, what does your internal dialogue sound like? Do you love yourself, or are you your own worst critic? Don’t worry, so many of us are!

Negative Self-Talk

Being that most of us are our harshest critics, we tend to treat ourselves horribly, to the point that our self-esteem is ruined because we truly believe we don’t deserve anything good. This is referred to as “Negative Self-Talk.” Maybe some of these statements sound familiar to you.

Negative self-talk sounds like:

  • “I’m too old to start.”
  • “She would never want me; I’m not good enough.”
  • “There’s no way this will work.”
  • “What’s the point?”
  • “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

I’m sure more than one of us reading this has experienced intrusive thoughts like the ones listed above. We truly are our own worst enemy when it comes to interfering with our futures. How many of us simply don’t start something because we tell ourselves it is “too hard” or we “can’t do it”?

Love Yourself

This is where we want to challenge you to start thinking differently or take a step towards a path that can help you reshape your self-image and narrative. With hypnotherapy, we can introduce understanding and compassion for the person we used to be. We can understand that we are on a path of continual improvement and that every day is a new chapter. Start looking at your life as an epic story, with each chapter leading towards a great crescendo!

More importantly, we can also introduce forgiveness, self-acceptance, and self-love. This will result in a tremendous change because we can’t move forward if we are constantly shackled to our past. However, sometimes the past is impossibly difficult to deal with on our own; that is where Pro Thrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy comes in! 

We can help you tread these murky waters by acting as your guide through the experience. We provide a safe atmosphere that allows you to examine who you were, forgive that person, and blossom into the newest version of yourself.Contact PRO Thrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy in Oceanside, CA, and start your journey towards forgiveness and a brighter future! We use science-based Hypnotherapy (SBH) to empower people to let go of their past, accept it as a necessary path towards their future, and move forward. Contact me at, and let’s navigate your negative self-talk struggles; together! We believe that your conscious success starts with your unconscious mindset!

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