Timeless Hypnotic Scripts Volume II is a collection of original hypnotic scripts written specifically for Hypnotherapists looking for new ways of incorporating their clients’ presenting complaints through Dissociated Therapeutic Guided Imagery scenarios. This methodology offers the best results as the clients tend to be more receptive when experiencing multi-sensory imagery and enhances safety by preventing the client from being re-traumatized. Maureen wrote this second set of scripts to further assist fellow hypnotherapists with their own clients. These scripts can be modified to cater to a variety of circumstances, thus making them extremely versatile to nearly all situations. These scripts can be purchased in both soft cover books or pdf download.
Some Topics Include:
- Resetting your circadian rhythms & other sleep concerns
- Stop Procrastinating
- Overcoming Chronic Skin & Hair Conditions
- Attracting healthy relationships
- Letting go of past trauma
- Improving Memory