Conquering and Celebrating
We had a lot of wins in May, so let’s carry that momentum into June! The brightest and warmest days are ahead of us; what a time to open our eyes and look at ourselves in the full light of day! How do you feel about the wins you’ve made? Do you feel motivated to push on?
Let’s take June to conquer and celebrate. Have we laid the path to our greatest goals, or do we still have infrastructure that needs building? Let’s discuss our goals and how we can conquer them and celebrate those victories.
Conquering your goals
It’s all about setting small attainable goals that lead you to your greatest potential. Referred to as “proximal” and “distal” goals. Set short-term, easily-attainable “proximal” goals that stack and build towards your “distal” goals. Like building a pyramid of success, one stone at a time. Before you know it, you look down, and you don’t even realize how high you’ve gone!
The effort of climbing the mountain is worth it for the view from the peak! Like so many great feats in life, you’ll never know how it feels and looks from the top if you don’t take steps to get there.
Celebrating your wins
The vast majority of people fail before they even start. We shower ourselves in negative self-talk, telling ourselves, “I can’t do it,” “it’ll take too long,” or “that’s too hard.” But not you! You’ve been taking those small steps, and you know what you need to do to summit the peak.
Since you are ready to take those small steps, take some time to celebrate those wins! Making the decision to start is a win; the first step on the road is a win, and the first milestone towards improvement is a big win! Consider these your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for personal development. Like every business needs a well-structured set of KPIs to monitor success, you need them to measure your progress too!
List out your small successes. No matter how small, take the time to celebrate them, and appreciate the fact that you are on the path to a better you!
The “GRIT” factor
It comes down to continuity, perseverance, follow-through, and persistence. Those tiny goals don’t meet themselves, and it might take thousands of them to get you where you want to be. That is the secret “GRIT” factor that leads us to inevitable success! Not everyone is willing to stay the course, but you are!
So, walk yourself into the sunlit June morning and basque in your earned success! Conquering your fears and celebrating your wins is part of the journey. When you are ready to take the next step and find the greatest potential within, consider Science-Based Hypnotherapy as a way to hyperspeed the process!
Don’t hesitate to contact PRO Thrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy in Oceanside, CA, and let us help you conquer and celebrate your wins! We use science-based Hypnotherapy (SBH) to empower people to identify the barriers between people and their dreams. Contact me at maureen@ProThriveSBH.com, and let’s navigate your dreams; together! We believe that your conscious success starts with your unconscious mindset!
Hypnotherapy will help you achieve your wildest dreams because your unconscious programming determines everything. The reason we don’t achieve our goals is because our goals are in our conscious mind (8-12%), while the unconscious programming which determines what actually becomes reality (88-97%) is out of alignment with the conscious mind. Once, through hypnotherapy, the unconscious mind is upgraded to what the conscious mind desires, then success is yours!
Contact PRO Thrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy in Oceanside, CA, and let us help you start the path towards your dreams! We use science-based Hypnotherapy (SBH) to empower people to let go of their limiting self-talk and break through barriers to reach higher planes of happiness and personal fulfillment. Contact me at maureen@ProThriveSBH.com, and let’s navigate your dreams; together! We believe that your conscious success starts with your unconscious mindset!